luni, 9 martie 2015

Warhammer 40K Ethernal Crusade Online Pass

About Warhammer 40K Ethernal Crusade

Thei entry of  Ethernal Crusade into the 40K universe is how unabashedly ambitious it is. Eschewing the conventional MMORPG standards of quests and dungeons, the narrative that players experience will be dictated entirely by the users. The goal is to fully immerse players in a brutal planet-wide conflict, where the only "quest" is to win the war (there is some over-arching narrative, but the developers couldn't go into further detail). All of the day-to-day objectives and activities will be generated by in-game players; whether it's a single squad of ten Space Marines deciding to raid a munitions outpost, or an Ork Warboss directing a hundred followers to overthrow an enemy base. Players who are driven enough might even find themselves giving orders to their entire factions from a seat on the governing War Council, or forging uneasy alliances with other armies. The team behind Eternal Crusade also wants to create the largest organic battles ever seen in an online game. 

Warhammer 40K Ethernal Crusade Gameplay

Snipe your enemies from afar or fire into the fray from one of the seats of a gun-loaded Predator tank. Combat in Eternal Crusade ranges from a personal clashing of swords to truly epic warfare involving hundreds of other players.

When it comes to new players, the Crusader team wants their experience to be just as fulfilling as a veteran's. In most other MMOs, players are dropped into the fray to learn and fend for themselves. "When you're a newb, you arrive [in game] and you don't know anything… It takes months before you start understanding what part you play in the whole thing. That's what we fixed." Instead of being dismissed due to inexperience, new players can immediately become part of the strategy for the veteran users leading their faction.

For example: A new Eldar recruit drops onto Arkhona (the planet where Eternal Crusade takes place), and decides to raid a nearby munitions outpost. Unbeknownst to them, however, a Strike Force Commander – a user elected by other squads to command up to 100 players – is trying to get three squads of Guardians past an Ork Battlewagon on the other side of the outpost. Our new recruit suddenly receives a message telling them to hold position, and a drop ship swoops in to deliver a Firestorm tank – courtesy of the Commander – and new orders appear: "Get in."

Download Warhammer 40K Ethernal Crusade Online Pass
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