luni, 9 martie 2015

Get Even Free Crack Download

Get Even Free Crack Generator Tutorial

The program will search for a crack and if it won't find one it will download a crack from our servers. So maintain your internet up while the Generator is running.

How To Use Get Even Free Crack Generator

1. Download Get Even Free Crack Generator and open it.
2. Be sure that you select the platform.
3. Press the " Generate" button and wait .The process should take a few seconds. Then press OK.
4.Use the serial generated to activate the game.
5 Enjoy!

About Get Even

A new breed of first-person action game, Get Even subtlety removes the classic division between single-player and multiplayer experiences to unfold two linked stories. The game’s plot revolves around the memories of its central heroes which have a dramatic effect on how the game progresses. The route the player chooses to follow determines their personality as the game unfolds. The carefully crafted storyline mixes elements of thriller and horror with exploration. As these personality traits are revealed, the merging of single-player and multiplayer elements tighten. When players embark on a single-player mission, others on the network can join the quest as enemies, so players never know whether their opponents are human or CPU-based. This suspense further heightens the player’s feeling of a threat.

To create the photo-realistic visuals that bring the gritty universe to life, Get Even is the first game to use large-scale, real-world scanning to create expansive and lifelike environments. This 3D scanning technology combines with advanced lighting effects to create a stunning and believable world that pushes the boundaries of the genre.

Eschewing the usual clichés and gung-ho settings currently inhabiting the FPS genre, Get Even subtlety removes the classic division between single-player and multiplayer experiences to unfold two linked stories. The game’s plot revolves around the memories of its central heroes which have a dramatic effect on how the game progresses. The route the player chooses to follow determines their personality as the game unfolds. The carefully crafted storyline mixes elements of thriller and horror with exploration of incredibly detailed 3D scanned locations and virtual reality systems means more than just interface for playing the game. 

Sometimes we have to face the question „What is real?” 

Our consciousness is being shaped by the inputs from our senses, by flow of information from media, by how our mind processes our memories and dreams. 

Get Even tells the story of Black, illegal investigator, who works for government and VIPs to gather uncomfortable evidence and, sometimes, to hide inconvenient truth. From his point of view, answer to the question “What is real?” depends on what is shown to others and what's hidden from them. And in this kind of job, there are always victims. 

However, one of them appears to be not an ordinary scapegoat… 

What if you can change what already happened, but you can't alter what's gonna be next? 

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